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Get Support from Fort Worth Handgun Lessons

  • Can I take a rental gun home?
    No. No one will let you take home a rented firearm.
  • Do I need some sort of handgun license or permit?
    No. As a matter of fact, there is a shooting portion to licenses, and this course will ensure you pass even after just a single lesson.
  • Can a pregnant woman attend/join?
    No. It's not safe for her baby. Doctors advise against it, therefore I do, too.
  • Do I need to be a Texas resident?
    No. In fact, you can be from anywhere in the world.
  • Can I shoot my own handgun?
    YES! I'll make sure it's a suitable firearm (not primarily plastic, cleaned, lubricated), and if it isn't you can just borrow mine.
  • How old do I have to be?
    Age itself doesn't keep someone from learning. If you are strong enough to handle the recoil of a 9mm semiautomatic you shouldn't have a problem.
  • Can I borrow your handgun?
    YES! You absolutely may borrow mine!
  • Can I shoot my own ammunition?
    Yes... as long as: 1) the range will let us fire it (nothing incendiary) 2) the ammunition caliber matches the handgun 3) it isn't "junk" ammunition (unreliable reloaded ammunition, usually purchased from gun shows)

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